Renowned filmmaker Ram Gopal Varma, also known as RGV, introduced an innovative concept named ‘Your Film’ during a press conference held at RGV Den today. In this groundbreaking approach, the fate of the movie lies entirely in the hands of the audience. Through an interactive voting system on the RGV website (, viewers will determine every aspect of the film, including the cast, director, cinematographer, and other technicians.
More Details About ‘Your Film’:
The procedure is tastefully simple yet fundamentally revolutionary: Aspiring filmmakers can submit their film concepts to the RGV website in just one or two sentences. Then, anyone interested in these narratives—actors, directors, cinematographers, or music directors—can apply to work on the storyline or concept.
Varma’s staff will carefully go over the applications and create a selection of applicants for interviews. Participants in these auditions, which will be supervised by RGV himself, will be given tasks to complete. In the end, the audience will have the authority to vote for the people they want to play each role.
Varma introduces ‘Your Film’ by quoting the idea of democracy- To/for/by the audience. RGV emphasized how this strategy has the power to trigger a profound change in the film industry and usher in a new phase of inclusive and collaborative filmmaking.
In addition, he made a passing reference to the possibility of crowdsourcing in the future, emphasizing how ‘Your Film’ is community-driven and inclusive, reflecting the spirit of democracy itself.
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