Senior actress Khushbu Sundar recently shared a picture from her memory line. In the retro image, we can see Tollywood hero Venkatesh holding a super cute kid and both were pleasantly smiling. “Hey Junior, see what I found in my wardrobe!!! What beautiful memories we have..”, quoted Khushbu. Check if you can recognise the boy, who has become a top Tollywood hero with Pan Indian image.
Hey Junior, see what I found in my wardrobe!!! What beautiful memories we have.. ❤️❤️❤️❤️ @RanaDaggubati
— KhushbuSundar (@khushsundar) January 3, 2022
The youngster in the picture is none other than Baahubali Star Rana Daggubati along with his uncle Venkatesh. Currently Rana is appearing as Daniel Shekar in the upcoming multi starrer Bheemla Nayak, who is ferocious yet full of swagger. The movie makers recently released a special video titled Swag of Daniel Shekar featuring Rana Daggubati, on his birthday.
Pawan Kalyan and Rana Daggubati’s action entertainer Bheemla Nayak is slated to release on February 25, 2022 for the Sivarathri festival season. Trivikram Srinivas penned the screenplay and dialogues for the film which is directed by Saagar K Chandra.
Also Read: Watch: Rana Daggubati Shows Of His Swagger As Daniel Shekar In Bheemla Nayak
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