Malayalam actor Dulquer Salmaan is one of the actors who has made films across the states, not confining himself to a particular language. He has done Malayalam, Tamil, Telugu, and Hindi films that have entertained audiences from the region. The previous two films of the actor Sita Ramam and Chup have proved that he is a refined actor who can ace two differently written roles. Now the actor is back with another film that is a pan-Indian project, King Of Kotha. The makers have planned to release this film in multiple languages. The promotional material so far has set a few audiences on edge with the action and thrills.
King Of Kotha Official Trailer:
King Of Kotha had its official trailer unveiled today on social media, which was released by Nagarjuna Akkineni. The trailer is filled with elements that increase excitement and thrill for the movie. It gives a glimpse of the intense action that the audience is going to witness.
Abhilash Joshiy is the director of the filmKing Of Kotha, while its story is penned by Abhilash N Chandran. The movie is produced by Wayfarer Films in association with Zee Studios. Aishwarya Lekshmi is the female lead in this film opposite Dulquer Salmaan and also has an extended cast of Shabeer Kallarakkal, Prasanna, Nyla Usha, Chemban Vinod, Gokul Suresh, Shammi Thilakan, Shanthi Krishna, Saran Shakthi, and Anikha Surendran. Jakes Bejoy composed the music for King Of Kotha. The makers have announced that the movie is going to have its theatrical release in August 2023 for Onam.
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