Darling Telugu Movie Synopsis :
“Darling” is an upcoming Telugu film featuring Priyadarshi, who has been enjoying success with projects like “Balagam,” “Om Bheem Bush,” and “Save The Tigers” series, in the lead role. Nabha Natesh joins as the female lead. Directed by Aswin Raam, this romantic-comedy entertainer boasts music by Vivek Sagar. Hemanth is responsible for the dialogues, and Pradeep E Ragav, known for his work in “Love Today,” will edit the movie. The film is produced by K Niranjan Reddy.
Cast & Crew:
Actor: – Priyadarshi
Actress: Nabha Natesh
Director : Aswin Raam
Music : Vivek Sagar
Producers : K Niranjan Reddy
Release Date : 19 July 2024
Language : Telugu
Run Time :
Censor : U/A
Genre : Comedy, Entertainer
Darling Release Trailer :
Darling starring Priyadarshi and Nabha Natesh in the lead roles is an out-and-out entertainer that will connect to all sections of audiences. Directed by Aswin Raam, Produced by K Niranjan Reddy & Smt. Chaitanya under Primeshow Entertainment. Releasing on July 19th in cinemas worldwide.
Darling Trailer :
Darling Trailer, starring Priyadarshi and Nabha Natesh in the lead roles is an out-and-out entertainer that will connect to all sections of audiences. Directed by Aswin Raam, Produced by K Niranjan Reddy under Primeshow Entertainment and Presented by Smt. Chaitanya.
Darling Announcement Glimpse :
Darling starring Priyadarshi and Nabha Natesh in the lead roles is an out-and-out entertainer that will connect to all sections of audiences. Directed by Aswin Raam, Produced by K Niranjan Reddy under Primeshow Entertainment and Presented by Smt. Chaitanya.
Khalasay – Lyrical :
Presenting the lyrical of “Khalasay” from Darling starring Priyadarshi and Nabha Natesh in the lead roles is an out-and-out entertainer that will connect to all sections of audiences. Directed by Aswin Raam, Produced by K Niranjan Reddy under Primeshow Entertainment and Presented by Smt. Chaitanya.
Raahi Re – Lyrical :
Presenting the second single “Raahi Re” from Darling starring Priyadarshi and Nabha Natesh in the lead roles is an out-and-out entertainer that will connect to all sections of audiences. Directed by Aswin Raam, Under Primeshow Entertainment and Presented by Smt. Chaitanya.
Bhaag Saale Song :
Here’s the “Bhaag Saale” from Darling starring Priyadarshi and Nabha Natesh in the lead roles is an out-and-out entertainer that will connect to all sections of audiences. Directed by Aswin Raam, Under Primeshow Entertainment and Presented by Smt. Chaitanya.
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