With the onset of the third wave of the pandemic, many celebrities are being infected by the virus. Recently, Megastar Chiranjeevi also tested positive for the novel coronavirus. Now, Akhanda actor Srikanth took to Twitter to inform his fans that he was diagnosed with COVID-19. He had developed mild symptoms in the past few days and had tested positive for the coronavirus. He also requested those who came in contact with him to be careful and watch out for the symptoms and get tested if necessary through a Twitter announcement.
Dear Friends,
I’ve tested positive for COVID-19 despite taking the necessary precautions. Some symptoms have been observed from the past couple of day.
I request all those who came in contact with me to get tested and closely check up on any symptoms.
— SRIKANTH MEKA (@actorsrikanth) January 26, 2022
Taking to Twitter, Srikanth Meka wrote, “Dear Friends, I’ve tested positive for COVID-19 despite taking the necessary precautions. Some symptoms have been observed from the past couple of days. I request all those who came in contact with me to get tested and closely check up on any symptoms (sic).”
Also Read: Entire village Comes Out To Watch Akhanda Together
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