Thammudu is a trendsetting movie based on kickboxing, made in Telugu in the year 1999. The film stars Pawan Kalyan as the lead actor in the role of a kickboxing champion. The director, Arun Prasad, made the film as a package of sports, love, and emotions. The film was a huge hit at the box office and also became a trend among the youth to learn boxing, following their favourite actor, Pawan Kalyan. Thammudu paved the path for many sports movies in Telugu.
Hari Hara Veera Mallu Power Glance Motion Poster | Happy Birthday Pawan Kalyan | Telugu FilmNagar
Power Star Pawan Kalyan Birthday Special Tribute | Happy Birthday Pawan Kalyan | Telugu FilmNagar
Thammudu Full Movie 4K | Thammudu Re-Release | Pawan Kalyan Birthday Special | Telugu FilmNagar
Kushi Theatrical Trailer | Kushi Trailer Reloaded | Pawan Kalyan | Bhumika | Mani Sharma | TFN
Telugu Film Nagar
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