Nandamuri Kalyan Ram, is known for choosing unique scripts from the very beginning of his career and is now bringing forth another intriguing film. The movie is titled Devil with the tagline The British Secret Agent. The titles and posters of Kalyan Ram released so far gave a glimpse of the fierce role he is playing. This periodic movie is set against the backdrop of the 1940s and Abhishek Nama is producing it.
The Devil boasts 80 meticulously crafted sets they have erected, and it is even more interesting that 90 percent of the film is shot within these sets. The huge task of erecting these sets spanned over one and a half years. The art director, Gandhi emphasized that it is an immense challenge to set the atmosphere of a period drama, requiring materials and props, including set properties. These are from diverse locations such as Tamil Nadu, Karnataka, Kolkata, Kerala and Rajasthan. This ambitious project would not have been possible without the support of producer Abhishek Nama.
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Some of the lavish sets for Devil:
- 1940 Andhra club set in Madras.
- 9 truck loads of wood.
- 10 vintage cycles and 1 vintage car during British era.
- 500 books with royal british cover designs.
- 1940 cargo ship set and 36 ft lighthouse set (at Thotlakunda) near Vizag sea shore.
- More than one thousand tonnes of iron, fibre and 10 thousand square feet of vintage wallpapers were used.
Srikanth Vissa is handling the story, screenplay and dialogues and Soundar Rajan S is the cinematographer. The movie features Samyuktha Menon as the female lead actress. Devansh Nama is presenting Devil and the music is by Harshavardhan Rameshawar. Devil is slated to hit theaters on November 24th.
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