Ram Gopal Varma, popularly referred as RGV, is an Indian film director. He is known to make Hindi and Telugu films. He made his way into the film industry as an assistant director and then started his directing journey with Siva in 1989. This film is till date considered a cult classic of Nagarjuna. He has even produced a bunch of films in both languages.
RGV has a peculiar taste in films, which has led him to do films in different genres. He worked on several films under the genres of action, horror, thriller, anti-social, political, and others. He has also won several awards for his films, including a National Film Award, seven Nandi Awards, two Filmfare Awards, and several others.
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Audiences and fans like his films for the reasons that they are different from the normal commercial films made in the film industry regularly. His first film as director, Siva, has had such an impact on youth that it is still considered a classic.
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