Ananya Panday is one of the leading young actresses in Bollywood. She is making her entry in Telugu film industry opposite Vijay Deverakonda in Puri Jagannadh’s directorial Liger. Speaking to the media, she expressed satisfaction with her pakka masala role in Liger. Things were fine until she was asked if the actress is willing to do more Telugu films, for which the actress quickly replied that she loves regional cinema and will do more films there for sure. But movie lovers expressed concerns over her lines mentioning Telugu film industry as regional cinema.
Regional Cinema? Not Anymore!
In the present scenario, Telugu cinema is not only a regional cinema anymore, but has already been raised to Pan-India level. Hindi films are screened in a few Hindi speaking states only, while Telugu films like Pushpa are storming the entire country. Telugu films do well not just in Telugu states, but in Hindi states, Tamil Nadu, Karnataka, and Kerala too. On this ground, people wonder how Ananya can mention it as a regional cinema.
At the same time, many Telugu blockbusters like Pushpa, Arjun Reddy and Rangasthalam are being dubbed and remade in Hindi to achieve great success. Prominent Bollywood producers like Karan Johar openly stated that Telugu movies are doing far better business than most of the Hindi movies. Seems that Ananya is a newbie with less awareness about this and she still got stuck with a prejudiced north Indian mindset.
On the work front, Ananya Pandey starrer Liger is one of the most-awaited movies in 2022, and is being simultaneously made in Hindi . The film’s shooting has reached the final stage but paused due to the hike in Omicron cases. The young actress played a second female lead in Deepika Padukone’s Hindi romantic flick Gehraiyaan. This Bollywood siren’s sizzling look in the movie trailer is impressive.
Also Read: Behind The Shoot Pics Of Vijay Deverakonda’s Liger Out
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