The most viral Kacha Badam trend has gotten a new addition. Today, Pushpa star Allu Arjun posted a video of his little princess Arha trying the popular Instagram trend. The latest video of Allu Arha left netizens in awe and they have already decided that it is the cutest version they have ever seen.
Allu Arjun is all hearts and kisses for Arha as he captioned the video as ‘my lil badham’. The cutie pie surely melts the onlookers’ hearts with her moves overloaded with cuteness. Allu Arha looks really cute with her adorable expressions and moves. The comments section of Pushparaj is filled with love and appreciation for the father and daughter duo.
Take a look at the worth watching video here.
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The Story Behind Kacha Badham Trend
For the unversed, the Kacha Badham is a Bengali folk song originally composed by Bhuban Badyakar, a man from Birbhum district of West Bengal. He uses this melodious item to sell groundnuts (badham) in exchange for junk and old items. Meanwhile, one of his customers was impressed by his singing and shared it online which quickly went viral. More and more youngsters and celebrities are joining the viral trend and shaking their legs to the catchy song.
Fans can not wait to watch Arha on the big screen for the first time as Prince Bharata in Samantha’s Shaakuntalam. While Allu Arjun is relishing the success of his recent action drama on forest backdrop Pushpa: The Rise. The Stylish Star gave a shocking makeover to his image as Pushpa Raj, a red sandalwood smuggler from Andhra Pradesh. He has an upcoming movie with top director Koratala Siva and the sequel, Pushpa: The Rule, which is to go on the floors soon.
Also Read: Watch: Allu Arjun Loses Running Race To Daughter Arha But Wins Hearts!
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