Universal Star, or Ulaganayagan Renowned for his ageless acting, Kamal Haasan will next be seen in the eagerly awaited Indian sequel, dubbed in Telugu as Indian 2, Bharateeyudu 2. Thus far, the timely delivery of promotional content by Indian 2’s developers has generated a great deal of buzz. In Hyderabad, the producers had planned a sumptuous pre-release celebration yesterday.
At the pre-release ceremony for Indian 2, a number of celebrities appeared alongside the actors and crew of the film. But thanks to his charming remarks, seasoned actor Brahmanandam stole the show at yesterday’s function. His imitation of Kamal Haasan, which has garnered a lot of attention, was the best part.
Brahamanandam, who attempted to imitate Kamal Haasan, said that he wanted the Telugu audience to help make the movie a huge success just like Indian/ Bharateeyudu (1996). Brahmanandam’s imitation was so accurate to Kamal Haasan’s real voice that even Kamal was surprised by how good he was.
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Social media fans have expressed their love for Brahmamandam on social media for his boundless potential after seeing this short clip of him imitating Kamal Haasan go viral.
“Bharateeyudu 2” is a sequel to the highly successful 1996 film “Bharateeyudu”, in which Kamal Haasan portrayed a dual role. Shankar is directing this film, which is scheduled to be released on July 12, 2024. Brahmanandam also had a significant role in this sequel, apart from Kajal Aggarwal, Siddharth, Rakul Preet and others.
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