The well-known Malayalam actor Tovino Thomas, who gained widespread recognition for his roles in the films “Minnal Murali” and “2018 – Everyone Is A Hero,” is about to captivate viewers once more with his newest project, the Pan-India fantasy picture “ARM.”
“ARM,” is to be one of the most technically advanced movies in Malayalam history, is directed by newbie movie maker- Jithin Lal and produced by Listin Stephen under the auspices of Magic Frames and UGM Motion Pictures, with Dr. Zakaria Thomas. The entire film is shot in 3D.
The movie has created a lot of talk since it was announced, and each promotional piece’s release has just excited fans. The excitement for the film has increased even more with the release of the theatrical trailer
ARM’s theatrical trailer begins off with an elderly woman reciting the Maniyan story is complemented by a powerful visual of a blazing asteroid striking Earth, generating a great explosion and scattering heavenly particles, as the trailer opens. The violence that follows and our protagonist’s powerful entrance are then shown in the trailer, raising expectations about the story and the visuals.
The two minutes and thirty-three-second teaser tells a story that takes place in Northern Kerala in the years 1900, 1950, and 1990. Three unique characters—Maniyan, Kunjikkelu, and Ajayan—are portrayed by Tovino Thomas as they work through various generations to preserve a crucial resource of the land. Every frame of the video is painstakingly designed to highlight Kerala’s rich cultural heritage and offer a look into an epic tale. It’s obvious that “ARM” seems like it will be a visually stunning film with an engaging narrative.
The picture has more charm and interest because of the lead ladies, Krithi Shetty, Aiswarya Rajesh, and Surabhi Lakshmi, while actors Basil Joseph, Jagadish, Harish Uttaman, Harish Peradi, Pramod Shetty, and Rohini play key roles. “ARM” is slated for release on September 12, 2024, in six languages: Malayalam, Hindi, English, Tamil, Telugu, and Kannada.
Sujith Nambiar penned the script and Dibu Nainan Thomas scored the music for this magnum opus.
The film will be distributed by major industry players, with Hombale Films handling the Kannada release, Mythri Movie Makers Distributors for Telugu, and Anil Thadani’s AA Films for Hindi, ensuring a grand release across multiple languages.
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