It has been more than a decade since Nani entered as an actor in the Telugu film industry. The Natural star cemented his place in the industry with films like Astha Chamma, Ala Modalaindi, Ninu kori, Jersey and many more, and is considered as one of the most bankable actors today. The Gang Leader Actor believes that ‘thriving on excellence’ is something that will always push and bring out the best for him.
“With every film, I believe that I grow as an actor, but after a few years when I look back at the same film, I feel perhaps I could have done better,” Nani was quoted as saying by a leading daily. “So constantly looking back and trying to better is a never-ending process and I think that’s what keeps actors thriving on excellence.” Nani added further.
The actor has appeared differently in each of his 35 films which is why the audience call him Natural star. He will be seen playing discerning roles in his upcoming films V and Tuck Jagdish. Nani has also turned into a producer and bankrolled films like Aw and Hit, both of which have worked greatly at the box office.
ALSO READ : Jersey Star Nani Is Fantastic, Says Shahid Kapoor
Nani further explains that he always searches for outbox of thinking plots to satiate the creative thinking in him. When asked about his few characters that didn’t work well at the box office, Nani said, “Sometimes, we pick up scripts believing that it will work for us, but when the box-office results reflect otherwise, we start to introspect about our choice of films. So how we evolve as actors from the characters we chose is a constant challenge.”
The actor will currently appear in the film V as an antagonist. The actor will be seen in the film like never before which is very exciting for the moviegoers.
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