Padi Padi Leche Manasu director Hanu Raghavapadi may soon make his debut in the Bollywood industry with proficient Bollywood actor Sunny Deol. The successful director will be directing a yet to be titled action thriller film starring Bollywood actor Sunny Deol. Deol was last seen in the film Yamla Pagla Deewana: Phir Se which starred his father Dharmendra and brother Bobby Deol in the lead roles. This would be a comeback sorts for Sunny Deol in Bollywood.
In a recent interview about his next with Hanu, Sunny Deol stated that the movie is not a remake of any south movie, will be a never seen and heard like before story which revolves around an undisclosed engaging topic. The actor shared his happiness on working with director Hanu Raghavapudi. He also added that the film will be a suspense, action and thriller drama.
Sunny Deol also claimed that he has not played such a character before. “The character is different from the work I have done till date, though it is too early to say anything about my character now. But all I can say is it surely requires me to put in some extra effort. Hopefully I will be able to achieve what it demands.” he added.
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Raghavapudi, in the meanwhile, too seems excited to have associated with Deol. “It’s like a dream come true for me as Sunny sir also loved the script and is equally excited about the film.The movie will have some daredevil action sequences, and there is no bigger action star than him,” he said.
The film is produced by anuj sharma, he was also an associate producer for Bobby Deol and Dharmendra film Apne and Singh Saab The Great. However the film cast and shooting locations are not yet disclosed, reportedly the shooting and production stage of the film will start from early April 2020.
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