On this day, King Nagarjuna, a highly acclaimed actor in the South Indian film industry, celebrates his birthday. As part of specifically planned birthday celebrations, admirers from all around the world send their best wishes to the actor known as “Manmadhudu.”
The makers of Nagarjuna’s most-hyped upcoming movie KUBERA, dropped a stunning poster as a part of Tollywood King’s birthday celebrations. Akkineni Nagarjuna, who looks simple yet elegant, is see brimming in the special birthday poster released by Kubera team.
“Celebrating the birthday of the one and only KING @iamnagarjuna sir, who will mesmerize you with his cinematic brilliance”, Kubera’s makers wrote, as they shared the stunning birthday picture featuring Akkineni Nagarjuna, on his birthday.
Celebrating the birthday of the one and only KING @iamnagarjuna sir, who will mesmerize you with his cinematic brilliance. 💥
Team – #SekharKammulasKubera! #HBDKingNagarjuna@dhanushkraja @iamRashmika @sekharkammula @jimSarbh @Daliptahil @ThisIsDSP @AsianSuniel @SVCLLP… pic.twitter.com/b39gjmnOuQ
— Kubera Movie (@KuberaTheMovie) August 29, 2024
Kubera has Kollywood actor Dhanush and Telugu’s acclaimed movie maker Shekhar Kammula come together, along with Nagarjuna and Rashmika Mandanna. The movie is currently under production, and has a significant buzz surrounding it.
Devi Sri Prasad is in charge of the music department for Kubera, which is made under the banners of Sree Venkateswara Cinemas LLP and Amigos Creations Pvt Ltd. Suniel Narang and Puskur Ram Mohan Rao are behind the movie’s financial resourcing.
Join Us In Wishing Our KING- Nagarjuna A Very Happy Birthday!
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