The film RRR is raising excitement in the audience as the days pass by. Being India’s most awaited film, RRR is going to be released on 25th March 2022. The makers of the film are all set for a promotional campaign and they released the schedule too. Prior to that, the film team including the director SS Rajamouli and the lead actors Jr NTR and Ram Charan participated in an interview in Hyderabad recently. The makers call it Off The Record Interview and here are the highlights of the interview.
Highlights Of RRR Team Off The Record Interview:
Jr NTR and Ram Charan are willing to watch the first day first show of RRR along with SS Rajamouli. The theatres in preference are Bhramaramba and Sudarshan in Hyderabad.
SS Rajamouli made Tarak and Charan do the Naatu Naatu song repeatedly to bring the perfect sync of the actors’ dance moves.
Charan and Tarak were irritated a few times with Rajamouli during the shooting of RRR. Both the actors have a complaint on Rajamouli that he never shows empathy on the actors unless it is something really serious. Rajamouli too shares his reason for now showing empathy that they are making a film worth 50 lakhs a day and he is responsible for every single penny so that it does not get wasted for that day.
Rajamouli explains to the actors how he made sure that the speed of the animals in a particular action sequence is more than the speed of the human. He explains the mechanism and efforts behind that sequence. Rajamouli made several concept designs for many sequences in the film.
Rajamouli hailed Tarak and Charan for giving such intense and emotional performances at the end of a major sequence in the film which was shot for 65 nights. He said that the actors stole the entire show in the last 2 minutes of the 15 minutes sequence.
Rajamouli feels that the audience would be left spellbound with the action sequences of RRR. Tarak and Charan too feel the same that there would not be even a blink of the eye in the interval and climax episodes.
Off The Record Interview Of RRR Team:
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