Nandamuri Kalyan Ram’s upcoming movie, NKR21, is presently being lavishly shot in Hyderabad, under the auspices of Ashoka Creations and Kalyan Ram’s NTR Arts. Ashok Vardhan Muppa and Sunil Balusu are producing the film, which is being directed by Pradeep Chilukuri.
To commemorate the birth anniversary of Late Nandamuri Taraka Rama Rao, the makers of NKR21 unveiled a sneak peek from the movie, with the title ‘The Fist Of Flame’.
In the glimpse video, Kalyan Ram emerges as a powerful avatar wearing the sacred Tulsi hand bracelet. He twists his fingers and then uses his fist power to demonstrate it. Just the close-up of Kalyan Ram’s piercing eyes conveys the character’s untamed nature, establishing his role in the much-awaited upcoming movie.
'𝐓𝐇𝐄 𝐅𝐈𝐒𝐓 𝐎𝐅 𝐅𝐋𝐀𝐌𝐄' from our #NKR21
Shoot in progress.#JoharNTR
@vijayashanthi_m garu @saieemmanjrekar @PradeepChalre10 @SunilBalusu1981 #AshokMuppa @AJANEESHB @harie512 @NTRArtsOfficial @AshokaCOfficial— Kalyanram Nandamuri (@NANDAMURIKALYAN) May 28, 2024
“The Fist Of Fame” features cinematography by Ram Prasad that makes a strong initial impression, and the background score by Ajaneesh Loknath complements the images beautifully. The production design seems to be really impressive. When everything is taken into account, the audience responds favorably to the Fist of Fame glance.
Actress Vijayashanthi will play a crucial role in the movie. Actors like Srikanth, Saiee Manjrekar, and Sohel Khan will play other significant roles.
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