Super Star Mahesh Babu and beautiful actress Sonali Bendre as the lead pair, the iconic Telugu classic family entertainer Murari, allured the audience when it was released in 2001. Murari, directed by the visionary Krishna Vamsi, is still regarded as one of the most beloved Telugu films. Vamsi did a fantastic job capturing the rural Telugu setting and the joint family ethos.
As fans around the world celebrate Mahesh Babu‘s birthday today, they have organized colorful celebrations and charity campaigns. Also, with the re-release of his family drama Murari, it has added so much vibrance to these celebrations.
Murari, directed by Krishna Vamsi, was released in 2001, starring Mahesh Babu and Sonali Bendre in lead roles. Actors Lakshmi, Sukumari, Kaikala Satyanarayana, Prakash Raj, Gollapudi Maruthi Rao, Sudha, and Ravi Babu appear in important roles alongside other noted actors.
‘Melody Brahma Mani Sharma’s music worked wonders for Murari, while the whole album is still leading the music charts even after so many years of the movie’s release. Murari was produced by N Devi Prasad, Ramalingeswara Rao, and Gopi Nandigam under the Ram Prasad Arts banner.
Murari Re-release Mania:
Mahesh Babu’s fans, who had waited so much for Murari’s re-release are overjoyed to celebrate him on the screens. The visuals from the theaters depict the kind of love Mahesh has earned all these years.
Murari Story-Line:
Murari is a whole rural backdrop film that centers on the jovial Murari, who falls for a girl named Vasu, who belongs to his distant relatives’ family. As their love blossoms, the twist in the tale unfolds.
Murari’s Zamindar ancestors have been cursed by Goddess Durga since the middle of the 19th century. This curse claims the lives of the family’s heirs in their early 30s every 48 years. It is Murari who could be the victim of the curse in this generation.
The movie centers on Murari’s spiritual quest for reconciliation with the fate and his grandmother’s selfless giving to break the curse.
End-note: Murari’s re-release is a huge hit because to Mango Mass Media’s superb 4K resolution retouching. Mahesh Babu’s admirers are enjoying Krishna Vamsi’s amazing vision, Mahesh Babu and Sonali’s endearing onscreen chemistry, the group of renowned actors, excellent technical aspects, and Melody Brahma Mani Sharma’s fantastic musicals.
Murari Re-release Presented By- Mango Mass Media.
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