Karthikeya Gummakonda is an upcoming actor in Tollywood who made his mark as a leading man with RX 100. He followed it up with Hippi, a coming of age drama, with Diganagana Suryavanshi.
Karthikeya’s new venture, Guna 369, termed as an intense family drama, completed its shooting and is ready to release. The star took to his Twitter handle, to announce the release date. Guna 369 is going to release on August 2nd, 2019.
The movie stars newcomer Anagha as the leading lady opposite Karthikeya. Arjun Jandhyala is the director of the movie and Chaitan Bharadwaj scores the music for Guna 369.
The teaser of Guna 369 was already released and it garnered a positive response. Karthikeya is awaiting the release of Guna 369 with his fingers crossed.
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