Kangana Ranaut, the actress who is creating a sensation through her act in Manikarnika: The Queen of Jhansi, responded to Krish’s allegations. Over the past few days, Krish Jagarlamudi revealed a few facts on social media, claiming Manikarnika was not entirely directed by Kangana. He stated, Kangana is lying about directing Manikarnika while she worked only on the patchwork of the movie. Krish claimed, he directed major portions of Manikarnika and that is the reason the soul of the story remained intact.
Kangana responded strongly to these comments to the media at an airport. She stated, if Krish has a problem with Kangana, he should directly talk to the producer and not to the media. Kangana also clarified, Krish left the creative responsibility of Manikarnika in her hands and she did what was expected of her.
She further added, she also comes from a very humble background and many of her roles were chopped off in movies as well. Kangana said, it is all a part of the struggle to the top and Krish should stop damaging the name and fame the movie has achieved and move forward.
Supporting Kangana on this issue, Kamal Jain, the producer of Manikarnika, opened up about the controversy and stated, it was a collective decision of the team to give the credits to Kangana. Kamal also clarified, Krish should have opted for a legal settlement rather than creating a controversy about it. He revealed, he was surprised Krish is making such a huge deal about it.
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