Vishwak Sen will be back on the silver screen in the cop thriller HIT, after Falaknuma Das. The filmmakers of HIT are slowly amping up their promotions by releasing a teaser, a trailer and a four minute unedited clip as a sneak peek. The trailer for HIT shows Vishwak Sen as a police officer investigating the case of a missing woman while battling demons from his past. The sneak peek, on the other hand, shows a group of police officers digging up a buried dead body of a woman and a visibly shaken Vishwak Sen walking away from the crime scene.
With HIT all set for its theatrical release on Friday, February 28th, 2020, the team behind the movie have achieved another milestone by finally receiving their censor certificate. India’s Central Board of Film Certification rated HIT ‘U/A.’ The rating means parental guidance is required for viewers under the age of 12 (children.)
‘U’ will have ‘A’westruck moments while watching this movie!!
Book your tickets for the edge of the seat thriller – #VishwakSen @iRuhaniSharma @NameisNani @KolanuSailesh @svr4446 @Garrybh88 @maniDop @PrashantiTipirn #VivekSagar
— Wall Poster Cinema (@walpostercinema) February 26, 2020
ALSO READ: HIT Sneak Peek- Vishwak Sen Starrer Raises Curiosity
The recently released sneak peek video spiked the curiosity of viewers and spread the word about HIT via word of mouth.
HIT stars Vishwak Sen and Ruhani Sharma as the leads, while Murli Sharma, Brahmaji, Bhanuchander and Hari Priya will be seen in supporting roles. Dr. Sailesh Kolanu is the director and Nani produced HIT under Wall Poster Cinema, his production banner.
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