South Indian star Anushka Shetty gave a powerful performance in Bhaagamathie, which was released in 2018. The horror thriller movie was a hit in Telugu and also in its dubbed Tamil and Malayalam versions.
Now, the movie is going to Bollywood, with actress Bhumi Pednekar reprising the role of Anushka. The original director Ashok G. will also direct the Hindi remake. Bollywood star Akshay Kumar and T-Series are collaborating for producing this movie. The movie is titled Durgavati in Hindi.
We hope the Hindi version too rocks as it did in Telugu.
South Indian star Anushka Shetty gave a powerful performance in Bhaagamathie, which was released in 2018. The horror thriller movie was a hit in Telugu and also in its dubbed Tamil and Malayalam versions.
Now, the movie is going to Bollywood, with actress Bhumi Pednekar reprising the role of Anushka. The original director Ashok G. will also direct the Hindi remake. Bollywood star Akshay Kumar and T-Series are collaborating for producing this movie. The movie is titled Durgavati in Hindi.
We hope the Hindi version too rocks as it did in Telugu.
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