Actor Allu sirish was last seen in ABCD– American Born confused Desi film directed by Sanjeev Reddy. Sirish, who uses twitter regularly, has been inactive lately but came back recently on Twitter doing an #AskSirish session with fans. Fans asked him various questions regarding his bond with his brother Allu Arjun, his favourite sport and more
So, when one of the fans asked why he was seen infrequent on Twitter as it is for fun, Allu Sirish’s response will get you thinking. He answered back saying that he was quite frequent on Twitter quite but had to cut down his visits due to unnecessary negativity. Celebrity fan wars, unnecessary negativity and being judgemental about other actors are never new on social media platforms.
Sirish comes from a star family where his dad is a prominent producer Allu Arvind and brother Allu Arjun is the most popular actor from the industry. There was a time when Allu sirish engaged in these fan wars and got affected by negative comments and also made a few direct comments on top actors.
However, now the actor decided to stay away from these negative fan wars. He also replied to a fan when asked if he and bunny ever fought to which he replied yes when we were kids watching WWF. The actor also said that #Asksirish was fun and would be back soon till then be home, be safe.
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