Adipurush, a mythological drama based on the heroics of Lord Rama, is the headline of every news and media platform currently. The Pan-India star and our beloved actor, Prabhas, played the lead role in the film as Lord Rama. The film’s story is adapted from the epic Ramayana, and Om Raut directed the film. According to a previous announcement, Adipurush will be released on January 12th, 2023. Even the teaser date was locked to be October 2nd. The teaser for Adipursh is going to be released this Sunday, October 2nd, at 7:11 PM. The makers today released a new poster featuring Prabhas as Lord Rama so as to announce the release of the teaser. The poster looks terrific and the celebrations have begun by Prabhas’s fans. There is a lot of buzz now around the teaser of Adipurush and Indian film lovers are eagerly waiting for it.
Adipurush Teaser Buzz: Here’s What Audiences Feel About Adipurush
- Prabhas looks enthralling as Lord Rama in the teaser poster for Adipurush.
- The physical appearance of Prabhas as Lord Rama in the poster is exactly the same as described by Valmiki in the epic Ramayana. Prabhas looks tall with broad shoulders, strong muscles, an ample chest, and a huge body.
- The wait is over and the countdown has begun for the release of Adipurush.
- Adipurush teaser poster is the fastest 1 million liked post on Instagram, in just 5 hours and 38 minutes.
- Ayodhya is expected to be crowded completely tomorrow at the place of the teaser launch event.
- Lord Rama is always called Aajanubaahudu, and Prabhas perfectly suits that.
- Adipurush teaser poster has all the 5 elements of nature(land, water, fire, air, and sky), reflecting the theme that Lord Rama is the controller of nature.
- Prabhas is the only actor who has played back-to-back king roles in a short time span. He perfectly represents the role of king, be it in history or mythology.
- Adipurush will surely increase and spread the divinity of Lord Rama across the globe, and more of the audience will know about the character and heroics of Lord Rama.
Jai Shri Ram.
More About Adipurush:
Adipurush Teaser Announcement New Poster Released Officially Today – Prabhas As Lord Rama
Adipurush Prabhas To Do Ravan Dahan In India’s Capital This Year
Prabhas Unique Qualities Revealed By Kriti Sanon From Adipurush
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