Tollywood’s renowned production banner Geetha Arts’s GA2 Pictures subsidiary has been producing films directed by emerging talent and promoting a number of content-driven film genres. The film ‘Aay’, which stars young actor Narne Nithin, Jr. NTR’s brother-in-law and one of the main leads in the newly released MAD movie as the hero, while Nayan Sarika plays the female lead.
The film ‘Aay’ is directed by Anji Kanchipalli, while it was produced by Vidya Koppineedi and Bunny Vas under GA2 Pictures. Renowned producer Allu Aravind presents Aay. Ram Miriyala has composed the music for AAY.
Aay Telugu Movie Review:
Aay Storyline:
AAY is a rural play set in the Godavari district of Andhra Pradesh, where people frequently use humorous phrases in daily interactions. The main plot of Aay centers on the lives of a group of friends, one of which is the hero who falls in love with a girl, and the other members of the gang try to bring them all together.
The screenplay is entirely dependent on situational humor, and the film depicts the main tone of rural living. Aay is for humor-loving audiences with back-to-back hilarious scenes that showcase actual circumstances against a rural landscape with a twist.
On-screen performances:
With his on-screen presence in MAD, Nithiin Narne left a positive impression and gave a strong performance. In terms of performance, heroine Nayan Sarika has also done an excellent job.
Every performer who took on the parts of the hero’s pals gave it their all. The story of the film cannot be easily dragged by situational humor alone. With ease, they have all delivered well-crafted humor.
Technical Aspects:
The directing of Anji Kanchipalli is commendable, and everyone is enjoying the lighthearted way he handled the repetitive crux.
The music by Ram Miriyala was effective.
End-note: A fantastic situational comedy featuring exceptional actors in a rural location.
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